Recent Papers
Volume 6 - 2021
43. Ligninolytic enzymes production by endophytic fungus Diaporthe phaseolorum (Desm.) Sacc. under the influence of different carbon and nitrogen sources
Kumar V, Prasher IB (2021)
42. Optimization of Mycelial Culture Conditions and Fructification of Lentinus Species Using Rice Straw and Sawdust Based Substrates
Kalaw SP et al. (2021)
41. A new record of Pluteaceae (Agaricales) from Pakistan
Khan MB et al. (2021)
40. New record of luminescent Mycena chlorophos (Mycenaceae) from Western Ghats of India
Arya CP et al. (2021)
39. The coral mushrooms Ramaria and Clavaria
Elkhateeb W et al. (2021)
38. Virulence of Pythium deliense causing soft rot in ginger, a new report from Kerala, India
Vafa AL et al. (2021)
37. Aquatic hyphomycetes in the lateritic cave streams of Southwestern India
Sharathchandra K, Sridhar KR (2021)
36. Fungi and insects as models of extraordinary symbiosis
Elkhateeb W et al. (2021)
35. Identification and evaluation of enzymatic ability of fungal endophytes from Citrofortunella microcarpa (Bunge) Wijnands
Reyes RDC et al. (2021)
34. Generation of myxomycete data from three discrete experiments using moist chamber cultures in a Neotropical forest
Rojas C et al. (2021)
Volume 2 - 2017 -
1. A comparative study of manglicolous lichens and their distribution inside Bhitarkanika National Park (Odisha), India
Authors: Panda M, Murthy TVR, Samal RN, Lele N, Patnaik AK, Mohan PK
Recieved: 03 October 2016, Accepted: 31 January 2017, Published: 23 March 2017
The manglicolous lichens are a specific group of lichens which occur in association with mangrove plants. Mangrove ecosystems have limited accessibility and the lichen study in mangrove forests are less studied and reported. The present study is the first-time report on lichen diversity, their distribution and its associated host mangrove species at eight different sites within the mangrove forests of Bhitarkanika Wildlife Sanctuary and National Park (Odisha), India. The study recorded a total of 49 lichen species which belongs to 26 genera and 14 families. The comparison of growth forms showed presence of 28 species of crustose, 18 species of foliose and three species of fruticose type of lichens from the study sites. The analysis of host mangrove species showed Excoecaria agallocha as the most preferable mangrove species as it housed 38 lichen species on its surface (i.e., 45% crustose, 47% foliose, and 8% fruticose). The comparison of growth forms of the total recorded lichen species from Bhitarkanika National Park, resulted 57% species crustose, 37% foliose and 6% of fruticose type of lichens. The mangrove species, Avicennia officinalis and lichen of the genus Chrysothrix were found as common to all the study sites. The Jaccard similarity index study of lichen species between the study sites showed Kalibhanjadiya Island and Habelikhati as more similar in comparison of lichen species composition (i.e., 0.64). The occurrence of foliose and fruticose type of lichens showed the healthy and undisturbed mangrove forest conditions at many sites within Bhitarkanika National Park.
Keywords: Bhitarkanika – Diversity – Growth form – Host Mangrove – Lichens
2. Amazonia atlantiicola sp. nov. (Ascomycetes, Meliolales) from Malabar Wildlife Sanctuary in Kerala State, India
Authors: Lini KM, Neeta NN, Swapna S
Recieved: 16 August 2016, Accepted: 20 February 2017, Published: 27 March 2017
A new species, Amazonia atlantiicola, infecting leaves of Atlantia sp. (Rutaceae), was collected from Malabar Wildlife Sanctuary of Kozhikode district. It is introduced, described and illustrated in this paper.
Keywords: Atlantia – black mildew – new species
3. Proximate composition and antimicrobial activity of three wild edible mushrooms consumed by ethnic inhabitants of Tripura in northeast India
Authors: Roy Das A, Saha AK, Das P
Recieved: 16 August 2016, Accepted: 20 February 2017, Published: 27 March 2017
The study was focused on edible mushrooms consumed by the ethnic inhabitants of Tripura, northeast India. Three mushrooms namely Lentinus squarrosulus, Lentinus tuber-regium and Macrocybe gigantea were evaluated quantitatively for proximate composition and mineral nutrients. In addition, the efficacy of the mycelial extract was tested for antimicrobial activity against the bacteria. The results of this study indicated that mushrooms were rich in protein and carbohydrate with low fat content. Macrocybe gigantea proved to the best source of protein and carbohydrate among the three mushrooms. There were varied amount of micronutrients recorded in all the three mushrooms. The antimicrobial activity of mycelial extract of M. gigantea was found against all the tested strains of bacteria. The study suggested that these mushrooms are rich in nutrients particularly M. gigantea which could be used as an alternative source of vegetarian food to the ethnic people of Tripura. The antimicrobial activity exhibited by these mushrooms indicated their medicinal properties
Keywords: Antimicrobial activity – edible mushroom – ethnic tribes – macro nutrients – micro nutrients
4. The molecular phylogeny and taxonomy of endophytic fungal species from the leaves of Vitex negundo L
Authors: Ramesh V, Arivudainambi USE, Rajendran A
Recieved: 16 August 2016, Accepted: 20 February 2017, Published: 27 March 2017
Enormous fungal species live within the healthy plant tissues, some of which presumably occur in a symbiotic association with host. Some fungal endophytes are widespread and can be found in many different plant species, whereas others are highly specific to single hosts. In this study, we isolated three endophytic fungi from the medicinal plant Vitex negundo. They were identified based on morphological characteristics such as size, shape, and colour of the spore and it was reinforced by 18s rRNA gene sequence analysis. The phylogenetic tree showed that C. gloeosporioides VN1 and Pestalotiopsis virgatula VN2 were closely relationship between. But they were not closely relationship between the other endophytic fungal species that were obtained from geographically different part of the world. This aspect can be further explored to understand the relationships between plant hosts and their fungal endophyte.
Keywords: Endophytic fungi – MEGA 6.0 – phylogenetic relationship – rRNA
5. Ramularia coleosporii (Mycosphaerella) on Plumeria rust in Thailand
Authors: Sun JZ, Liu JK, McKenzie EHC, Liu XZ, Hyde KD
Recieved: 01 December 2016, Accepted: 11 March 2017, Published: 29 March 2017
A hyperparasitic fungus was found on uredinia of Coleosporium plumeria on leaves of Plumeria rubra in Thailand. The hyperparasite was identified as Ramularia coleosporii following an examination of its morphological characters and a phylogenetic analysis by using ITS sequence data. This is the first record of R. coleosporii on C. plumeriae in Thailand. Ramularia coleosporii has the potential for biocontrol management strategies of the rust.
Keywords: biocontrol – Coleosporium plumeriae – fungicolous fungi – hyperparasite
6. Macro-fungal diversity in the Kilum-Ijim forest, Cameroon
Authors: Teke NA, Kinge TR, Bechem E, Mih AM, Kyalo M, Stomeo F
Recieved: 05 February 2017, Accepted: 11 March 2017, Published: 29 March 2017
Fungi are one of the most species-rich and diverse groups of organisms on Earth, with forests ecosystems being the main habitats for macro-fungi. The Kilum-Ijim forest in Cameroon is a community forest populated by several species of plant and animal life forms; although macro-fungi are exploited for food and medicine, their diversity has not been documented in this ecosystem. Since anthropogenic impact on this forest may cause decline of macro-fungal diversity or extinction of known and previously undiscovered species, it is imperative to generate a checklist of the existing macro-fungi for use in the implementation of sustainable conservation and management practices. This study was therefore carried out to generate information on macro-fungal diversity in this forest. During a field study carried out between 2013 and 2015, 206 macro-fungi samples were collected and molecularly identified using the ribosomal ITS1, 5.8S and ITS2 regions. Sequence data analysis revealed that majority of the fungal isolates (87.93%) belonged to phylum Basidiomycota while 12.07% belonged to Ascomycota. Among the fungal genera detected, 18 are new records for Cameroon. This work represents the first comprehensive record of macro-fungi in Kilum-Ijim forest in Cameroon.
Keywords: Checklist – DNA barcoding – Kilum-Ijim – Mushrooms
7. Phallus rubicundus in South Brazil
Authors: Cortez VG, Silva-Filho AGS
Recieved: 02 February 2017, Accepted: 11 March 2017, Published: 29 March 2017
The widespread phalloid fungus Phallus rubicundus is reported for the first time in South Brazil. The collection is described and illustrated macro- and micromorphologically, and the taxonomy, distribution and ecology of the species are discussed, as well its occurrence in Brazil.
Keywords: Phallales – Phallomycetidae – Phallus subgenus Satyrus – Stinkhorns
8. Knoxdaviesia with K. serotectus (Van der Linde & Jol. Roux) Z.W. de Beer & M.J. Wingf. a new world record from the gut of red palm weevils
Authors: Moubasher AH, Abdel-Sater MA, Zeinab Soliman
Recieved: 02 February 2017, Accepted: 11 March 2017, Published: 02 April 2017
During surveys of the mycota inhabiting guts of insect species in Assiut area, Egypt, two interesting isolates were obtained from two different gut samples (out of 11 investigated) of the red palm weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier). These isolates were identified phenotypically as Knoxdaviesia serotectus (≡ Gondwanamyces serotectus). The isolates were deposited in the Assiut University Mycological Centre Culture Collection and given AUMC numbers, AUMC 10299 and AUMC 10293. Brief descriptions and photos are presented. This species is recorded here for the first time worldwide from the gut of red palm weevils.
Keywords: Assiut – Gondwanamyces – insect gut – Rhynchophorus ferrugineus
9. Protostropharia luteonitens (Basidiomycota, Agaricales): new to China
Authors: Ma T, Ling XF
Recieved: 27 March 2017, Accepted: 25 April 2017, Published: 17 May 2017
Protostropharia luteonitens is characterized by its pointedly papillate pileus, the large dark basidiospores, 2- spored basidia and absence of chrysocystidia. It is known from North America, Europe and Asia (Japan). In this paper, P. luteonitens is reported for the first time from China. This species is presented here with a full description, colour photographs, and line drawings.
Keywords: Morphological characteristics – Strophariaceae – taxonomy
10. IMD: The first online database of documentation on Myxomycetes fungi from India
Authors: Ranadive KR, Jagtap NV, Ranade VD
Recieved: 07 February 2017, Accepted: 13 March 2017, Published: 20 June 2017
The Indian Myxomycetes Database (IMD) is the first on-line database of information on Myxomycetes in India. The database contains 394 records from 11 families, 50 genera and 351 species, and can be accessed at Every species from this much neglected group of fungi has been given a unique identity number that can be cited in publications where a new species is described. Every entry in this database has been linked with the globally recognized myco-database ( The IMD is part of an Indian initiative to promote international biodiversity documentation and form a global network of databases on biological information.
Keywords: Indian Myxomycetes Database – MycoBank – Mycology
11. Diversity of macrofungi and its distribution pattern of Gorakhpur District, Uttar Pradesh, India
Authors: Vishwakarma P, Singh P and Tripathi NN
Recieved: 21 July 2017, Accepted: 03 August 2017, Published: 26 September 2017
The present study deals with the status of macrofungal diversity in Gorakhpur district and its distribution pattern. The macrofungal survey was undertaken during 2011-2014 in different localities of Gorakhpur district. A total of 114 species of macrofungi belonging to 58 genera and 33 families were collected and identified in to 31 edible species, 10 excellent edible species, 68 inedible species and 5 poisonous species. Agaricaceae family was found to be the dominant representing 18 species. Distribution of macrofungal species in different localities of Gorakhpur district was also evaluated on the basis of Shannon diversity index, Simpson diversity index and evenness. Highest Shannon diversity index, Simpson diversity index and evenness were found to be 3.61, 0.97 and 0.90 respectively in Sahjanwan tehsil. The results indicate a very high species richness of the study site.
Keywords: Agaricales – Basidiomycota – Diversity index – Edible macrofungi
12. Occurrence of Stemonitis axifera (Bull.) T. Macbr. (Myxomycota: Stemonitales) in Pondicherry, a union territory of India
Authors: Keekan KK and Ranadive KR
Recieved: 31 March 2017, Accepted: 12 June 2017, Published: 25 October 2017
Stemonitis axifera, observed on a piece of dead wood from Pondicherry, a union territory of India is described here based on morphological and microscopical characteristics. This observation is relevant due to the infrequency of records of Stemonitales in southern India, especially in a territory like Pondicherry, a union territory of India with no appreciable forest cover and low biodiversity.
Keywords: Acellular slime mould – Biodiversity – Myxomycetes
13. Mycenastrum catimbauense (Agaricales, Basidiomycota), a new puffball species from the Brazilian semi–arid region
Authors: Gurgel RAF, Melanda GCS, Ferreira RJ, Alfredo DS and Baseia IG
Recieved: 27 August 2017, Accepted: 08 October 2017, Published: 25 October 2017
Mycenastrum catimbauense is found growing in the xerophytic biome named “Caatinga” in the Catimbau National Park, Pernambuco State, Brazil. Basidiomata are found solitary in an open place and exposed to sunlight. The morphological analyses of macro- and microstructures followed the specific literature of the group. The fundamental diagnostic characteristics for this new taxon are the dark–colored peridium and gleba, tomentose peridium and spiny capillitium with brittle thorns. Full description, color photographs of the basidiomata and microstructures of this new species, and a discussion are provided.
Keywords: Biodiversity – Gasteromycetes – Lycoperdales – Neotropics – Taxonomy
14. Endophytic Mycodiversity of Sacred Tree – Couroupita guianensis Aubl.
Authors: Velmurugan R, Ramesh V, Meenatchi A, Bagyalakshmi and Rajendran A
Recieved: 21 June 2017, Accepted: 14 July 2017, Published: 07 November 2017
In the present study, a total of 142 fungal strains were isolated from 180 samples of the leaf, stem and bark tissues of sacred tree Couroupita guianensis from an unusual semi-arid tropical region. The tissues of the samples were grown in potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium and the endophytic mycoflora were identified based on the morphological characteristics. Among all the strains, 130 were fertile, which belong to 11 species and 12 sterile morpho species. The relative frequency of isolated individual endophytic fungal group consists of hyphomycetes (41.5%), coelomycetes (32.4%), ascomycetes (13.4%), zygomycetes (4.2%) and sterile fungi (8.5%). Among the fungal isolates, Scytalidium acidophilum and Mycosphaerella sp. were recorded as the most dominant fungal isolates in the leaf tissues, Cladosporium cladosporioides and Colletotrichum falcatum were observed as the dominant endophytic fungal isolates in the stem tissues and Botryodiplodia theobromae was found to be predominant species in bark tissues of C. guianensis. The species of Colletotrichum were found only in stem tissues. Therefore, the endophytic mycodiversity were high and abundant and they were distinctly associated with host plant. All statistical analyses confirmed that leaf tissues contained more endophytes than the stem and bark while Colletotrichum exhibited organ specificity. The present study revealed that the sacred tree C. guianensis is one of the ecological niches for sheltering endophytic mycoflora eventhough in harsh climatic conditions.
Keywords: Colletotrichum – PDA organ specificity – semi-arid region – tropical region
15. Diversity of non–Laboulbenialean fungi on millipedes
Authors: Enghoff H and Reboleira ASPS
Recieved: 30 May 2017, Accepted: 08 November 2017, Published: 13 November 2017
New records are given for secondary capilliconidia of Basidiobolus from several species of millipedes (Diplopoda) belonging to three different orders. The anamorph ‘Thaxteriola’ stage of Rhynchomyces is recorded (with doubt) from a Brazilian millipede belonging to the order Spirostreptida. An enigmatic fungus showing characteristics of Coreomycetopsis, Hormiscioideus and Antennopsis is recorded from two species of Danish millipedes of the order Julida. Peculiar structures, tentatively referred to fungi are recorded from several millipede orders where they occur between micro–scutes of the external cuticle.
Keywords: Amphoromorpha – Antennopsis – Ascomycota – Basidiobolus – Coreomycetopsis – Diplopoda – Hormiscioideus – Mucoromycotina – Pyxidiophora – Rhynchomyces – Zygomycota
16. Lichenicolous fungi of Ukraine: an annotated checklist
Authors: Darmostuk VV and Khodosovtsev AYe
Recieved: 16 July 2017, Accepted: 04 September 2017, Published: 17 November 2017
The checklist is based on 137 references and it includes data on the distribution of 220 taxa of lichenicolous fungi in Ukraine. Four species are based on dubious records. The Crimea (80 species) and Carpathians Mts (64 species) have highest observed species diversity of the lichenicolous fungi. Among plain territories, most species-rich regions are Kherson (64 species) and Mykolaiv (37 species), and both regions were intensively surveyed for lichenicolous fungi. Most frequent host genera recorded are Lecanora s. lat. (23 species), Cladonia (17 species), Xanthoria s. lat. (15 species), Aspicilia s. lat. (14 species) and Caloplaca s. lat. (13 species). Most diverse taxonomical groups of lichenicolous fungi recorded are Capnodiales (21 species), Arthoniales (18 species) and Hypocreales (13 species). Katherinomyces cetrariae, Lichenochora hypanica, Lichenostigma svandae, Norrlinia medoborensis, Phoma pisutii, Pronectria diplococca, P. caloplacae, Rosellinula frustulosae, Sphaerellothecium aculeatae, Pleospora xanthoriae, Trichoconis hafellneri and Zwackhiomyces polischukii were described from type localities in Ukraine.
Keywords: Arthoniales – Ascomycota – Basidiomycota – Capnodiales – host – lichen
17. Sebacina aureomagnifica (Sebacinales, Basidiomycota): an unexpected discovery from the Brazilian Caatinga
Authors: Wartchow F, Sá MCA, Conceição LB, Silva DRC and Marques MFO
Recieved: 20 July 2017, Accepted: 07 November 2017, Published: 17 November 2017
Sebacina aureomagnifica, recently described from Atlantic Forest is recorded for the first time from the Brazilian Caatinga Biome of Bahia, Brazil. Full description, photographs of the basidiome, drawings of the microstructures and a discussion of S. aureomagnifica are provided.
Keywords: Agaricomycetes – Neotropic – Sebacinaceae – taxonomy
18. Incidence of some agarics from the plains of Jammu, India.
Authors: Sharma R, Kumar S and Sharma YP
Recieved: 30 August 2017, Accepted: 13 November 2017, Published: 23 November 2017
The present communication sets out to examine the morpho–taxonomic studies of some agarics. A total of six species and two varieties viz., Agaricus californicus, A. placomyces, Chlorophyllum hortense, C. molybdites var. microsporus, C. nothorachodes, Leucoagaricus rhodocephalus, Leucocoprinus cepistipes and L. straminellus var. rubrum belonging to four genera have been collected, recorded, photographed and presented in the current paper. Survey of the literature showed that two species i.e. Agaricus californicus and Chlorophyllum hortense are new records for India, species namely Agaricus placomyces, Leucoagaricus rhodocephalus, Leucocoprinus cepistipes and C. nothorachodes are new for Jammu & Kashmir whereas Chlorophyllum molybdites var. microsporus and Leucocoprinus straminellus var. rubrum are proposed as new varieties for science.
Keywords: Agaricales – Jammu & Kashmir – Morpho-taxonomy – New records
19. Myxomycetes occurring on selected agricultural leaf litter.
Authors: Redeña-Santos JC, Dunca JAU, Duong VT, Dagamac NHA
Recieved: 02 August 2017, Accepted: 08 November 2017, Published: 23 November 2017
Although studies of myxomycetes (plasmodial slime moulds) in the Asia Pacific region have been remarkable for the past years, studies about myxomycetes assemblages in association with homogenous vegetation are relatively few. In an effort to investigate further about myxomycetes assemblages in monotypic vegetation, the present study was carried out in three different agricultural plantations (Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze., Dimocarpus longan Lour., Psidium guajava L.). Ninety percent (90%) of the moist chamber cultures gave a total of 165 records (107 determinable fruiting bodies and 58 plasmodial records). From these records, 20 myxomycetes morphospecies composed of 17 clear-cut species and three varieties of the species Arcyria cinerea were recorded. The occasionally reported myxomycetes species Physarum tenerum in other Southeast Asian countries seems to be abundantly occurring for the agricultural litters in Vietnam. This study noted that agricultural leaf litter substrates with leathery leaf texture can serve as spore traps for myxomycetes that are dispersing in the environment. Hence, agricultural litters are good microhabitat for many known cosmopolitan myxomycetes. This is the first report of myxomycetes assemblages associated with Camellia sinensis, Dimocarpus longan and Psidium guajava leaf litters.
Keywords: foliicolous – moist chamber – occurrence – slime molds – tropical plants – Vietnam
20. In vitro post-harvest growth parameters of termite-associated fungi: a case study of Termitomyces schimperi (Basidiomycota, Lyophyllaceae).
Authors: Essouman EPF, Kengni Ayissi MB, Metsebing BP, Mossebo DC
Recieved: 17 September 2017, Accepted: 20 November 2017, Published: 23 November 2017
Post-harvest growth parameters of the pileus of three immature sporocarps (Y7, Y8, Y10) of Termitomyces schimperi showing margins still attached to the stipe by the veil upon collection were studied in order to determine the optimum temperature, air moisture and maximum time at which they continue to grow after collection until opening their hymenophore, giving access to more mature lamellae able to produce spore-prints and more relevant for other studies. The figures obtained from the three equations (Y7 = 0.7 + 0.1x; Y8 = 1.98 + 0.225x; Y10 = -0.94 + 0.116x) of correlation between pileus post-harvest growth and time show various growth patterns depending on morphology, physiology and metabolism of each of the three sporocarps (3 replicates: Y7, Y8 and Y10) tested in vitro. The experiment also shows that, while the size of the stipe of T. schimperi remains constant in the three replicates, its pileus continues to grow for about 36 hrs maximum after collection and its diameter increases of about 3.23 cm to 10.08 cm in an environment of darkness with temperature ranging between 23°C and 24°C and relative humidity between 88% and 92%. Considering on the one hand that gill-fungi in general and Termitomyces in particular are highly perishable goods, and on the other hand that sporocarps of Termitomyces are not yet raised in artificial culture, this experiment shows that during mycological excursions, even when sporocarps of these species are found immature on the field, they should also be collected for study since a post-harvest growth of the pileus of numerous species could be artificially triggered or boosted in the laboratory in order to be able to obtain spore-prints important at various levels, and also get access to more mature lamellae absolutely necessary for further studies including particularly the macro- and microscopical descriptions prior to identification. Mature lamellae are also most often the best part used in gill-fungi for DNA extraction in molecular studies.
Keywords: correlation – environment – immature sporocarps – mature hymenium – spore prints – termitophilic fungi
21. Phallus fluminensis, a new species of stinkhorn from the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest.
Authors: Medeiros GS, Rodrigues ACM, Cruz RHSF, Melanda GCS, Carvalho Jr. AA, Baseia IG
Recieved: 21 August 2017, Accepted: 13 November 2017, Published: 28 November 2017
Basidiomata of a Phallus species were found near bamboo trees in the Rio de Janeiro Botanical Garden. This species was described as new to science and was named as Phallus fluminensis based on morphological characteristics. A detailed description, color images of microstructures and basidiomata of P. fluminensis, a comparison of P. fluminensis with its morphologically closely related taxa and a key to the genus Phallus in Brazil are given. A comparative analysis of P. glutinolens collections from the type locality was also made.
Keywords: Biodiversity, Gasteromycetes, Neotropics, Phallales, Taxonomy
22. Reniforma rhynchophori sp. nov. (Basidiomycota, Microbotryales) from guts of red palm weevil
Authors: Moubasher AH, Abdel-Sater MA, Soliman Z
Recieved: 01 August 2017, Accepted: 20 October 2017, Published: 01 December 2017
During a survey of mycobiota inhabiting guts of red palm weevil (Rhynchophorus ferrugineus) in Assiut area of Egypt, two interesting yeast isolates were obtained from 2 different gut samples (out of 11 gut samples investigated). Two isolates were identified phenotypically and genotypically with 87% ITS sequencing similarities with the type strain Reniforma strues. The name Reniforma rhynchophori was assigned for the new species. The two strains were deposited in Assiut University Mycological Centre Culture Collection and AUMC numbers 10263T (as the type strain) and AUMC 10264 were given. The ITS gene sequences for AUMC 10263T & AUMC 10264 were also deposited at the National Center for Biotechnological Information (NCBI) and accession numbers are given as KX011609 and KX015891 respectively. Full description and photos of the new species are presented. This new species was recorded as the second species of the genus Reniforma.
Keywords: Assiut – intestinal tract –ITS sequencing – Reniforma strues
23. The genus Paracollema validated (Collemataceae, Peltigerales, Lecanoromycetes)
Authors: Wedin M, Otalora MAG and Jørgensen PM
Recieved: 21 September 2017, Accepted: 18 November 2017, Published: 04 December 2017
The invalid generic name Paracollema Otálora & Wedin is validated, as are the combinations Paracollema almbornii (Degel.) Otálora, P.M. Jørg. & Wedin and Paracollema italicum (de Lesd.) Otálora, P.M. Jørg. & Wedin.
Keywords: lichens – nomenclature – taxonomy
24. Neohelicosporium fusisporum sp. nov. (Tubeufiaceae) and a first record of a sexual morph within Neohelicosporium
Authors: Jayasiri SC, Hyde KD, Jones EBG, Lu YZ
Recieved: 10 October 2017, Accepted: 09 November 2017, Published: 04 December 2017
Both sexual and asexual morphs (holomorph) are known in several genera of Tubeufiaceae whereas in others, mainly the asexual or rarely the sexual morph is known. The genus Neohelicosporium is known only by its asexual morph, we have recently collected the sexual morph of the genus, which is characterized by fleshy, superficial ascomata, bitunicate asci, and hyaline to pale brown, fusiform ascospores. Analyses of combined ITS, LSU and tef1 sequence data placed the taxon in Neohelicosporium. In this paper, we introduce the new taxon N. fusisporum based on both morphological characteristics and phylogenetic data.
Keywords: Bitunicate – fusiform – new species – phylogenetic data
25. Erratum to: The genus Paracollema validated (Collemataceae, Peltigerales, Lecanoromycetes)
Authors: Wedin M, Otalora MAG, Jørgensen PM
Recieved: 15 December 2017, Accepted: 28 December 2017, Published: 29 December 2017
Erratum to: Studies in Fungi 2(1), 208–209, Doi 10.5943/sif/2/1/23
The original publication contains the following errors:
Page 208, line 36: Delete the MycoBank number
MycoBank: MB805692
Page 209, line 54, 58: Delete the MycoBank numbers
MycoBank: MB805693
MycoBank: MB805694
It should be read as
• MycoBank: MB823729
Type species: Paracollema italicum (B. de Lesd.) Otálora, P.M. Jørg. & Wedin
Description: see Wedin, Otalora & Jørgensen, Studies in Fungi 2(1): 208 (2017).
• MycoBank: MB823730
• MycoBank: MB823731
Keywords: N/A
26. Saprobic Dothideomycetes in Thailand: Muritestudina gen. et sp. nov. (Testudinaceae) a new terrestrial pleosporalean ascomycete, with hyaline and muriform ascospores.
Authors: Wanasinghe DN, Jeewon R, Tibpromma S, Jones EBG, Hyde KD
Recieved: 12 November 2017, Accepted: 07 December 2017, Published: 29 December 2017
The family Testudinaceae and its intergeneric classification are poorly understood. This is due to overlap of morphological characteristics in genera and lack of DNA sequence data to infer phylogenetic relationships. The main objective of the present paper is to establish a novel genus, Muritestudina, based on distinct morphological characteristics and analyses of combined LSU, SSU, ITS, rpb2 and tef1 sequence data. We also fill the gap of our current knowledge on the phylogenetic position of Testudinaceae. Based on the morphological characteristics of species representing existing genera of Testudinaceae, we herein introduce a new genus, Muritestudina with M. chiangraiensis as the type species. The new genus is characterized by globose to subglobose, ostiolate ascomata; a peridium of brown to dark-brown cells of textura angularis; septate and cellular pseudoparaphyses; cylindric-clavate asci with a distinct pedicel; and hyaline, ellipsoidal and muriform ascospores. The new genus differs from the other genera in Testudinaceae in having hyaline, muriform ascospores. Combined analyses of ribosomal and protein coding gene sequence data confirmed that our new taxon belongs in Testudinaceae with a close relationship with Neotestudina rosatii.
Keywords: Ascomycota – phylogeny – Pleosporales – taxonomy
27. Multi-gene phylogeny of Jattaea bruguierae, a novel asexual morph from Bruguiera cylindrica.
Authors: Dayarathne MC, Abeywickrama P, Jones EBG, Bhat DJ, Chomnunti P, Hyde KD
Recieved: 01 December 2017, Accepted: 21 December 2017, Published: 29 December 2017
During our survey on marine-based ascomycetes of southern Thailand, fallen mangrove twigs were collected from the intertidal zones. Those specimens yielded a novel asexual morph of Jattaea (Calosphaeriaceae, Calosphaeriales), Jattaea bruguierae, which is confirmed as a new species by morphological characteristics such as nature and measurements of conidia and conidiophores, as well as a multigene analysis based on combined LSU, SSU, ITS and β-tubulin sequence data. Jattaea species are abundantly found from wood in terrestrial environments, while the asexual morphs are mostly reported from axenic cultures. Jattaea bruguierae is the first documentation of an asexual morph species from marine- habitats.
Keywords: marine fungi – morphology – phylogeny – taxonomy